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You Cannot Pour From An Empty Cup

A mom's cup of choice... I have thought this many times. But today when I had the thought I realized there may be others that need to hear it. You Cannot Pour From An Empty Cup  You may be taking care of a child, a parent, yourself or a number of others. But giving is wearing you out and you feel like your cup is always empty. That's OK. As parents or caregivers or friends or students or whatever, we give so much to something and its exhausting sometimes. So take time to refill your cup. However that is. This is why my mom picks up Della from daycare on Tuesdays. It gives me time to myself to do whatever. That may be laundry, house projects, or more than likely it's a night to zone out and watch The Office for the 58th time. (That show is for real the most realistic portrayal of everyday life, I'm not even kidding.) You need a break. Take it. And don't feel bad about it. Moms are really good at feeling guilty, but you don't nee...

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