Call Me Khaleesi

So Friday I was getting gas in Rogersville. I had just got back in the car, and an older gentleman walks toward me and motions for me to roll down the window... I make sure the doors are locked... and then crack the window. The following exchange happens:

Man: Where them dragons at?!
Me: Excuse me??
Man: You not that girl from Game of Thrones with the dragons?
Me: Um, sadly no!

So apparently I look like Daenerys Targaryen? I did have my hair pulled half back, but I'll take that as a compliment! And that's why the title of this blog post is "Call Me Khaleesi" LOL!

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How to paint when the baby won't nap..
This week mainly consisted of me preparing myself to go back to work. I tried to finish up some things on my to do list that I talked about last week, but let's be honest, that list is never fully done. I did get the bathroom painted and we are ready for flooring! We hope to put down the tile this weekend and we will be one step closer to having 2 bathrooms again!

Della had to go in for a weight check on Wednesday, and she just isn't gaining weight fast enough. So we are going to be supplementing breastfeeding with some formula to try and get her to where she needs to be. My goal is for her to have breast milk at least until 6 months, and if that means we have to combo feed I'm fine with what ever makes her happy and healthy! And let's be honest, It will be great to have the option of formula when we're out and about, and to let Daniel and others have that bonding time feeding her. 
Apparently she is a lazy nurser and isn't working hard enough for her milk! I'm making plenty though, so that's good, but Daniel thinks I have "skim" milk, lol! She is doing great with the formula, sleeping longer and it doesn't upset her tummy, thank goodness!

Upset about failing our weight test
Still fits in the onesie she came home in!

hanging out with no power!
 We had a transformer blow on our road on Thursday, so we were out of power for a bit, I cleaned up and found things to do that didn't involve electricity and it was back on in a few hours. Mama came and visited that night and got some cuddles from Della and a jealous Bernie...
Yay! Electricity!
Somebody is jealous...

Daniel had a conference for the guard in Anniston this weekend, so we took advantage of that being close to Birmingham and visited Kellie and Henry! Kellie and Henry ran in a 5K Saturday morning and Della and I went to cheer them on! They did great! It was hot as blazes and the course had some killer hills... so we were proud of them!
sleepy Della in her travel bed

Go Kellie and Henry!

#1 Fans

and After!

Nap time with Aunt Kellie!
After the 5K, Kellie got Della asleep for a nap then we headed out to do some shopping! We went to The Summit and got a few baby things and got to meet up with our friend and sorority sister, Allison. We got a snack at Johnny Rockets, and she got to meet Miss Della! It was great to see her, she along with our other friend Laura Beth are who got me thinking about doing a blog. They chronicle their lives with their little ones and I love being able to keep up with them this way since we are all so scattered about. 

Little Fashionista
Della missed her nap that morning because of the race, and she slept the whole time we were gone shopping! 6.5 hours!!!! We carted her around everywhere and she was just out! I'm not used to that because with breastfeeding she would wake up often to eat because they metabolize that milk so fast. Since she been having a little formula those nap times have been amazing! She hasn't ever slept that long during the day, but she woke up just as we got back to Kellie's so it was perfect timing!

Meeting up with Allison

Della slept through the whole visit

On Sunday my mom and dad came down to go to church with us, and Kellie made an awesome lunch! Della did good during the service, after a little fussing I got her to sleep and she slept through most of the morning. Everyone was happy to meet Della and people at Union Church are just a sweet group of people, we always enjoy visiting and getting to hear Henry preach. Daniel didn't get to join us at church, but he made it back for lunch!

Mommy & Della waiting for church to start!

The Fam, minus Daniel.

This dress is the one I wore in my 3 month photos back in 1984!
After lunch we headed back home to prepare for the workweek. I'm back at work Monday... It's hard leaving that sweet baby, but I will be glad to get into a routine and figure out what our new normal will be. I'm SO happy that Della is staying with my mom this week before she starts daycare because it will ease me in to leaving her for work. While I was trying to get everything together for me going to work and for Della staying with my mom I kind of broke down... I mean, I've been off for 12 weeks caring for this tiny human and now I have to go back to work and leave her?! It's craziness! But I was able to get it together (myself and my stuff) with Daniel's help. The thought kept running through my mind: I don't know how to live this life... this life of being a mom and working full time... but, I will learn. Just like so many others have and are, I will learn and adapt to this new adventure and love every minute. Because I do this for her. I want my daughter to grow up seeing that her mother is a strong woman that can handle everything that life throws at her with as much grace as she can muster, and be successful. 

It's going to be hard to juggle it all, but isn't juggling pretty fun? It keeps life interesting.  



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